Tuesday, 13 April 2010

White Feather Brooch from AlrightDarling

Sometimes, it's the really simple designs that can grab your attention away from the more glitzier items. Whilst browsing the UK section of Etsy, I came across designer AlrightDarling (possibly the most british name ever) who offered a selection of clean cut white brooches and rings.

This feather brooch above is created from a clean resin material, and its simple design gives you the flexibility to pin it to whichever outfit you choose to wear. The actual design is exclusive to the AlrightDarling too, so you won't find it all over the high street either.

It's yours for $12, complete with gift wrapping.


alright darling said...

Thank you for appreciating my brooch. You understood exactly what I was going for!

Emma Cossey said...

No problem at all, it's a beautiful piece.

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